GW/NW-006, Tryfan – 918m, 8 Points
Sunday started out wet and continued so right up until we got back to the car. The plan was for a shorter day activating Tryfan then leaving to get home at a reasonable time.
We managed to park right next to the gate, probably the bad weather put off the crowds.

The route up is well known and documented on many youtube videos so I won’t go into detail here. Just try and follow the ridge line as much as possible and don’t forget to stop at the cannon stone for the photo opportunity.
There were a few others around on the top, a number seemed to have come up via the South Ridge and one or two seemed to be there by accident, we were asked a couple of times if this was Tryfan and one person asked if it was the Glyders.

We found a little shelter between a few big rocks and soon set up the station. Conditions were good and I logged 23 contacts all over Northern England. The temperature was well below zero so we were soon getting very cold and had to pack up to leave. We dropped down the South Ridge and then SW down towards Cwm Tryfan and some welcome shelter from the winds. By this time we were very cold and very wet so were pleased to see the sun put in a showing as we arrived back at the car! Not a long day but a great adventure.
GW/NW-006 Log
Journey Details
Date – 17th February 2019
Postcode – LL24 0EU
Parking – SH 663 602
Radio – Kenwood TH-D74
Antenna – MFJ Longranger
Band – 144 FM
Contacts – 23
SOTA points – 8 (+3)
Group – Myself & Richard