Sunday and another early start, this time planning to ascend the Devils Kitchen and up onto Y Garn.
GW/NW-004, Y Garn – 947m, 8 Points
Normally this is a long but quite easy paved route, today though the path was barely discernible under deep snow and ice. Eventually reaching Llyn Cwn we turned North in conditions approaching white out at times. We eventually summit-ed and found room in the small shelter on the top. It was fairly busy on top even given the poor conditions.
GW/NW-004 Log
After making twenty QSOs from Y Garn we were all pretty cold and pleased to head back down to the col. Conditions were deteriorating for the afternoon with rain forecast lower down but blowing blizzard conditions on the tops.
GW/NW-003, Glyder Fawr – 1001m, 10 Points
We reached Glyder Fawr a couple of hours later where we found shelter beside a few large rocks marking the summit. By this time the other two were fairly cold and wet so they weren’t over pleased when I put another seventeen contacts into the log, including couple of summit to summit contacts
It was still a long walk out but as we started to lose height the wind dropped and the weather improved. We finally got back to the car just as we lost the daylight.
GW/NW-003 Log
In total over the weekend we activated four SOTA summits worth 48 points and made 53 QSOs over much of the North West and Midlands regions. We climbed nearly 3000 metres of mountain and spent 17½ hours out walking.
Journey Details
Date – 3rd February 2019
Postcode – LL24 0EU
Parking – SH 650 603
Radio – Kenwood TH-D74
Antenna – 2 Ele Yagi + MFJ Longranger
Band – 144 FM
Contacts – 20 + 17
SOTA points – 8 (+3) & 10 (+3)
Group – Myself, Peter & Richard